Management Representative & Management System Improvement

management representative and system improvementMSG can serve as a Management Representative prior to a surveillance audit to implement your internal audit requirements, complete internal audits, and review procedures and customer requirements.

Depending on the needs of the client, an MSG staff member can act as Management Representative from one day per week to one day per month. Companies often will engage MSG as the Management Representative when they discover their internal Management Representatives are overloaded with work that is considered more critical than the surveillance audit or when internal staff are not yet experienced enough to fulfill the role. We use the Management Representative function as an opportunity to train internal personnel to take over these responsibilities.


We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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building bricks 35x252879 Hoag NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49525
• Phone: Tap: (616) 365-9822
• Fax: (425) 799-5915

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