ISO 9001 GAP Assessment

Is a gap analysis important for your ISO 9001 implementation?


Beginning your journey toward a functioning Quality Management System (QMS) starts with the questions 1) Where are we now?  2) What do we have to do to reach our goal?  A GAP analysis answers these questions.

What is a gap analysis for ISO 9001:2015?

A gap analysis is the activity / analysis to compare what your company currently does with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.  It does not require an audit, but it is an exercise where someone knowledgeable in the management of your company compares what is and what is needed.

FREE GAP Assessment

Click here and take our free GAP Analysis.


We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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Testimonial from a Client

Highly Recommended

"Management Solutions Group is very knowledgeable of the Quality Systems for ISO9001:2000. They are extremely helpful in the implementation to the requirements of the standard. Management Solutions Group employees are very friendly and have an answer to any questions that you may have in regards to the requirements.