MSG can be contracted to conduct internal audits for companies in the Sandusky OH area. These audits supplement the work of their regular staffs and raise the bar on their auditing procedures.
Scope of work:
The scope of the proposed internal auditing project consists of – but is not limited to – the following elements:1. Internal Audit Plan
2. Internal audit of entire system Identifying
a. Nonconformance (List provided during audit)
b. Observations / Recommendations
c. Opportunities for continuous Improvement
3. Potential Best Practice
4. Audit report and nonconformances identified
5. Corrective action guidance
6. Entire system to be audited once per year unless documented differently
7. Areas audited will be based on past performance, importance.
8. Additional audits may be required based on area performance and can be performed by Management Solutions Group or Internal personnel. Management Solutions Group will provide guidance.
1. Revised Internal audit procedure to include the contracting internal audits
2. Internal audit plan
3. Internal audit report
4. Signed Training Records for guides for Internal Audit when Requested
5. Clearly defined written nonconformances, Observations, and Recommendations
6. Corrective action guidance
7. Corrective action review and sign off (Guidance given offsite)
Customer Requirements:
1. Provide Management Solutions Group with defined business objectives for incorporation into audit plan.
2. Management team to attend Internal audit opening and closing meeting
3. Management team to commit to time frames for closing non-conformances with corrective action at closing meeting.
4. Corrective action review, closeout and verification
The city of Sandusky strongly believes that investments in economic development activities are vital to job creation and attracting and retaining a talented workforce to fill newly created or available positions. Increased economic development will also stimulate investments in underutilized or vacant buildings and sites – which will strengthen the real estate market, increase property values, create a more walkable community and improve overall quality of life. Understanding that not all businesses or their needs are the same, the city offers various programs to assist business based on differing stages of development and growth.