ISO Internal Auditor in Sanford FL

old steele caseMSG can be contracted to conduct internal audits for companies in the Sanford Florida area.  These audits supplement the work of their regular staffs and raise the bar on their auditing procedures.

Some of the key benefits of internal audits

  • Serves as a type of an Early Warning System; it help find deficiencies and their remedies on a timely basis (i.e. before external, regulatory or compliance audits)
  • Identifies gaps, non-conformances and areas for improvement that can be used in internal strategic planning.
  • Improves the management of internal control within the organisation
  • Satisfies the requirement of ISO management system standard
  • Identifies inefficiencies in operational activities and provides action plan/recommendation to improve the overall efficacy of procedures.
  • Increases accountability within the organisation.
Many of our clients have noted dramatic improvement in the value of their internal audits, reduction of internal costs due to interruptions, and improvement in the results of registrar surveillance audits.

Scope of work:

The scope of the proposed consulting project consists of – but is not limited to – the following elements:

1. Internal Audit Plan
2. Internal audit of entire system Identifying
a. Nonconformance (List provided during audit)
b. Observations / Recommendations
c. Opportunities for continuous Improvement
3. Potential Best Practice
4. Audit report and nonconformances identified
5. Corrective action guidance
6. Entire system to be audited once per year unless documented differently
7. Areas audited will be based on past performance, importance.
8. Additional audits may be required based on area performance and can be performed by Management Solutions Group or Internal personnel. Management Solutions Group will provide guidance.

Internal Audit Deliverables:

1. Revised Internal audit procedure to include the contracting internal audits
2. Internal audit plan
3. Internal audit report
4. Signed Training Records for guides for Internal Audit when Requested
5. Clearly defined written nonconformances, Observations, and Recommendations
6. Corrective action guidance
7. Corrective action review and signoff (Guidance given offsite)

This is what we need from you:

1. Provide Management Solutions Group with defined business objectives for incorporation into audit plan.
2. Management team to attend Internal audit opening and closing meeting
3. Management team to commit to timeframes for closing non-conformances with corrective action at closing meeting.
4. Corrective action review, closeout and verification

About Sanford

Sanford is a growing city with a population of 58,000, in close proximity to Interstate 4 and State Road 417, halfway between the attractions of Orlando and the beaches. Sanford sits on the south shore of Lake Monroe, providing a waterfront backdrop for walking, jogging or just enjoying the natural beauty.


We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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building bricks 35x252879 Hoag NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49525
• Phone: Tap: (616) 365-9822
• Fax: (425) 799-5915

Testimonial from a Client

Outstanding Learning Experience

"Just wanted to send a note thanking you for the hard work and effort given to our company to help obtain ISO13485 & 9001. We successfully passed the initial registration audit two weeks ago. The auditor was impressed with how we integrated both systems and said it should be used as a model for other companies attempting to do the same. Linda’s work was outstanding and we learned a lot about our company and where our shortfalls are. Without her help and assistance we never would have achieved this goal"

Micro Star Innovations