What is ISO/IEC 17025

science, chemistry, biology, medicine and people concept - close up of young scientists with pipette and flasks making test or research in clinical laboratory over hydrogen chemical formulaISO/IEC 17025 describes the Management System that covers the competence of testing and calibration laboratories is the main ISO standard.  It is used by testing and calibration laboratories.  To be certified for ISO/IEC 17025 means that a 3rd Party, usually a Registrar, audits the Management System by comparing the standard to the actual implementation of an organization.

Management Solution Group provides services to help get you certified and stay certified - while building a more efficient and profitable business.

We have a number of affordable packages to help you get certified in time and withing budget - learn more...


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Testimonial from a Client

Really Good Teachers

"MSG Staff were really good teachers, and my people really felt they came away with a lot, and some of the help he gave me during the audit really helped me get us through our special assessment audit yesterday. Thanks much for the service!"

American Cooling Systems