How Can an ISO 17025 Consultant Help?

Management Solutions Group, an ISO 17025 consultant can provide invaluable assistance to laboratories seeking accreditation by ensuring they meet the stringent requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Here's how we can help:

Expertise and Guidance

  • Interpretation of Standards: MSG can help interpret the complex requirements of ISO 17025, ensuring that all aspects of the standard are understood and correctly implemented.
  • Customized Solutions: We provide tailored advice and solutions based on the specific needs and operations of the laboratory.

Implementation Support

What are the critical risks to your ISO 17025 management system?

laboratory skillsISO/IEC 17025 is an international standard used by testing and calibration laboratories to show that they operate a quality system and have the technical competence to produce reliable and valid results. Any management system, including ISO/IEC 17025, is subject to various risks that might compromise its efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance.

As you maintain your management system, it is often useful to have a third party like Management Solutions Group to review your implementation.  Contact us or give us a call: (616) 365-9822

Below are a few critical risks associated with an ISO/IEC 17025 management system:

  1. Inadequate Resources: Not having enough trained and competent personnel, proper equipment, or financial resources can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in the system.

  2. Lack of Training: Staff not properly trained or updated about the latest changes in the standard or the specifics of the system can lead to non-conformities.  Visit Ingentius for online training courses.

  3. Improper Equipment Maintenance: If equipment is not calibrated and maintained correctly, it can lead to inaccurate test results, compromising the integrity of the laboratory's output.

What are the general requirements for ISO 17025 certification?

Lab microscopeThe general requirements for ISO 17025 certification, which is the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories, include:

1. Technical competence: The laboratory must have the necessary technical expertise and resources to perform its testing and calibration activities effectively.

2. Management requirements: The laboratory must have a quality management system in place that is capable of ensuring the quality and reliability of its test results. This includes having documented procedures, records, and policies.  Management Systems Group provides help building your Quality Management System for your 17025 certification.

3. Personnel competence: The laboratory must have qualified and competent personnel who are trained to perform their assigned tasks and understand the quality requirements.  Be sure to review the training available at or contact MSG to schedule in-person training.

4. Equipment and calibration: The laboratory must have appropriate equipment that is properly calibrated and maintained. This includes ensuring the traceability of measurements to national or international standards.

ISO 17025 Gap Analysis: Bridging the Quality Gap for Laboratories

iso 17025 badgeIn today's competitive world, ensuring the quality and reliability of laboratory testing and calibration services is of paramount importance. Laboratories that want to demonstrate their competence and gain an edge over their competitors often seek accreditation to ISO 17025, the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. However, achieving ISO 17025 accreditation requires a thorough evaluation of the laboratory's existing practices and procedures to identify any gaps that need to be addressed. This is where ISO 17025 gap analysis comes into play.

ISO 17025 gap analysis is a systematic process that helps laboratories identify areas where they fall short of the requirements outlined in the standard. It provides a roadmap for bridging the quality gap and achieving accreditation. By conducting a gap analysis, laboratories can gain a clear understanding of the steps they need to take to comply with ISO 17025 and enhance their overall quality management system.

Why should we hire an ISO 17025 consultant?

17025 badgeThere are several benefits to hiring an ISO 17025 consultant to help your organization become accredited to this international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. Some of these benefits include:

Expertise and experience: An ISO 17025 consultant brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, having worked with numerous organizations to achieve accreditation. They understand the requirements of the standard and can guide you through the entire accreditation process.

Time-saving: Accreditation to ISO 17025 can be a time-consuming process, and an ISO 17025 consultant can help you streamline the process, saving you time and resources.

Cost-effective: While hiring an ISO 17025 consultant may seem like an added expense, it can actually save you money in the long run. By avoiding costly mistakes and achieving accreditation faster, you can start generating revenue from your accredited services sooner.

Tailored approach: An ISO 17025 consultant can tailor their services to meet your specific needs and requirements, whether you need help with gap analysis, documentation, or training.

Improved quality: By following the ISO 17025 standard, you can improve the quality and consistency of your testing and calibration services, which can enhance customer satisfaction and improve your reputation in the industry.

Overall, hiring an ISO 17025 consultant can help you achieve accreditation faster, with fewer mistakes, and with a more tailored approach that meets your specific needs and goals.

What are the benefits of an ISO 17025 audit for cannabis labs?

cannabis lab certified 600x409An ISO 17025 audit for cannabis labs brings several benefits to the laboratory and the broader cannabis industry. Here are some of the main advantages:

A. Compliance with Regulatory Requirements: Many jurisdictions require cannabis testing laboratories to adhere to specific quality standards, and ISO 17025 is widely recognized as the international standard for testing and calibration laboratories. By undergoing an ISO 17025 audit, cannabis labs can demonstrate their compliance with these regulatory requirements, which can help ensure legal and regulatory compliance.

B. Quality Assurance and Reliability: ISO 17025 provides a framework for implementing a robust quality management system (QMS) in cannabis testing laboratories. The standard emphasizes the use of validated methods, proper documentation, equipment calibration, proficiency testing, and rigorous quality control measures. By adhering to these requirements, labs can enhance the reliability and accuracy of their testing results, which is crucial for consumer safety, product quality, and industry credibility.

The benefits for ISO 17025 certification

lab mgmt 500x333In today's world, laboratories play a vital role in many industries, from healthcare to food and beverage to environmental testing. The ISO 17025 standard is an international standard that sets out the requirements for testing and calibration laboratories. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of getting certified for the ISO 17025 standard.

What is ISO 17025?

ISO 17025 is an international standard that sets out the requirements for testing and calibration laboratories. The standard covers all aspects of laboratory operations, including management requirements, technical requirements, and competence requirements. The standard ensures that laboratories operate with high levels of quality and accuracy, providing reliable test results.

Benefits of Getting Certified for ISO 17025

What is ISO/IEC 17025

science, chemistry, biology, medicine and people concept - close up of young scientists with pipette and flasks making test or research in clinical laboratory over hydrogen chemical formulaISO/IEC 17025 describes the Management System that covers the competence of testing and calibration laboratories is the main ISO standard.  It is used by testing and calibration laboratories.  To be certified for ISO/IEC 17025 means that a 3rd Party, usually a Registrar, audits the Management System by comparing the standard to the actual implementation of an organization.

Management Solution Group provides services to help get you certified and stay certified - while building a more efficient and profitable business.

We have a number of affordable packages to help you get certified in time and withing budget - learn more...

ISO 17025 Implementation for Laboratories

science, chemistry, biology, medicine and people concept - close up of young scientists with pipette and flasks making test or research in clinical laboratory over hydrogen chemical formulaAs part of the cannabis legalization process, most states are requiring testing labs become accredited to the ISO 17025 standard as part of their licensing. We are noticing a large increase in Cannabis Testing labs requesting assistance in developing management systems to meet these requirements. For example, Michigan requires a laboratory achieve accreditation within 1 year after the date the laboratory license is issued.

MSG has worked with a large number of very small labs, and from that experience has developed a process to quickly prepare a laboratory for accreditation with lower costs. For us, this is a fairly standard project for which we have developed a very efficient process.

This is important for the cannabis product users since most users want to ensure that they are purchasing products with accurate listings for THC content, and that the products meet requirements for Herbicides and other potentially harmful chemicals. A quick internet search will show that historically there has been significant discrepancy in the reported THC contents of many products, and a real concern for other chemicals that can be concentrated as part of the processing.

Laboratory Quality Management System Implementation Packages










 ISO 17025 Document Template Package




 Email, Phone, and Web Conferencing Consulting

3 Hours

25 Hours

8-12 days

 Measurement Uncertainty Budget Templates




 Internal Audit Completion (Including Gap Assessment)





 Web Training – ISO 17025 requirements




 Web Training - Measurement Uncertainty




 Web Training – ISO 17025 QMS Auditing




Get a quote now for your Lab Management System Analysis audit and review.


We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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• Fax: (425) 799-5915

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