Virtual, Instructor lead training

msgweb training for iso competencyManagement Solutions Group has 4 different methods for providing training. These include onsite workshops, Recorded Web based training, some public training, and virtual-instructor led training.

While most organizations find the onsite, focused training workshops the move effective method of providing their staff with the skills to be competent and successful virtual training is becoming a lower cost alternative for many organizations, especially if they have multiple locations.

What’s new in IT security? : ISO/IEC 27001

Internet Theft - a man wearing a balaclava and holding a credit card while sat behind a laptopA new version of ISO/IEC 27001 has just been published.  It addresses improved digital trust and cypersecurity challenges. 

Cybercrime severity is growing as hackers develop their cybercrime methods. The World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook report report  showed cyber-attacks increased 125 % in 2021; and a spike through 2022. ISO 27001 management system professionals must take a strategic approach to cyber-risks. 

Here’s how to protect your assets.

“Amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution, systemic interdependence creates both downside costs of cyber-risk and holds a much greater upside value,” says Andreas Wolf, who leads the group of experts responsible for the standard. “The organizations that will lead us into the digital future are those that are not only vulnerable enough to admit they can’t do it alone, but are also confident and savvy enough to realize that it’s better for businesses to not even attempt it.” 

To address these cybersecurity challenges, organizations must enhance their resilience and implement cyber threat mitigation efforts. Here’s how ISO/IEC 27001 will benefit your organization: 

What does it take to become an expert?

Workers At Desks In BusyThe recent research shows that it takes about 10 years and 10,000 hours of “Deliberate Practice” with good coaching and a good support system. This is opposed to the idea that it takes innate talent or skill.

This article is based on the “The Making of an Expert” Harvard business review; 1997, Developing Talent in Young People, by Benjamin Bloom, and The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 2006 by Cambridge University Press and edited by K. Anders Ericsson


The Making of an expert article states that “New research shows that outstanding performance is the product of years of deliberate practice and coaching, not of any innate talent or skill.”

Steps to Reinvent Your Job - Effective Communication

online meeting Group Of BusinesspeopleHow much power do you have to shape your job? How much influence do you wield on your team?

The answer to both questions is simply, “A lot; quite possibly more than you realize.” The fact is, you have all the power you need to begin reinventing your job to make it more rewarding personally and professionally. Each time that you speak, you shape your job. Like a master artist, you use your own words to paint the canvas of your own job and to lead your own future.

At Management Solutions Group we offer team building and communication workshops that empower you to work with a team to more successful results. These are the tools you need to start reinventing your job. You don’t need to wait for someone else to begin reinventing your own job. Decide today to begin a three week experiment using our tips, and watch for the positive changes in your job.

Business Improvement Presentation

Global Management TrainingThis is a short presentation of MSG's Service Oriented Approach to Business Improvement

pdfClick here to see the presentation.

Our Approach

• Step 1 – Initial Consult (No Charge)
– Short Review of Business, Sales & Financials
– Formal Assessment as to whether we can help

• Step 2 – Initial Analysis – Current Status
– SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
– Assessment Report covering listed areas and identification of issues where we can help

Step 3 – Based on Initial Report – You Select
–Areas of focus
– This becomes our project plan
– We provide you an estimate of work

Step 4 – Focused Project Work
– We mentor, train and conduct the work to the agreed plan with defined objectives
– We report regularly on progress

Environmental Regulatory Change Notification?

certified iso 14001 consultantThe EPA has released the Hazardous Generator Improvement Rule, Federally Implemented starting May 30, 2017, and adopted by states thereafter (Typically July 1, 2018 or July 1, 2019 or later) and Michigan as of August 1, 2020. Note that this does not only apply to organization that are ISO 14001 Certified, but any organization with any wastes. The EPA estimates, based on regular inspections, that up-to 30% of all organizations are noncompliant with these rules. One of the goals of this revision was to make the rules more understandable.

This article is not intended to be a full review of the requirements, just some highlights of the changes that affect the large number service and manufacturing organizations. There is a lot of free information available on the web. If you have any specific questions just contact us and we will assist you or point you in the correct direction for details. Some of the changes that affect a lot of our clients are:


We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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