Bethany Barroqueiro

sherryl acy iso consultantBethany Barroqueiro, an instructor for American Society for Quality, has fourteen years of business and engineering experience with Johnson & Johnson. During her tenure in Environmental, Health and Safety, Bethany worked at four diverse operating companies including manufacturing, warehousing, and research and development. These experiences provided her exposure to OSHA, EPA, FDA, ISO 9000 and 14001, and Six Sigma tools. Bethany is Green Belt certified and has served on several international initiatives for the Johnson & Johnson Environmental, Safety and Health agenda. Her leadership of teams realized multiple, successful business gains.

Training has been one aspect of her job experience beginning with her coop assignments. She has designed, delivered, and continually improved training for on-boarding of personnel, safety awareness and compliance, and risk analysis. Her career required regular presentations at department and executive levels. The focus included some of the following: initiative updates, dashboard updates, and obtaining management approval for spending.

Bethany has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. She holds an Essentials of Business Development Certification from Regis University and has completed the Standards of Leadership Workshop offered by Johnson & Johnson. Her many awards include a Chairman’s Award and the Institute of Industrial Engineer’s Ergo Cup Excellence Award.


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"You did a FANTASTIC job in showing us and helping us prepare."

Henmen Engineering & Machine, Inc.