ISO 14001 Made Easy

"Management Solutions Group, Inc was so knowledgeable and helpful which made our ISO 14001 so easy."

American Fine Sinter

20 Year Customer

"For over 20 years, I have been working with Brandon, and the team at Management Solutions Group. No matter my needs, from basic systemic education or training to in-depth assistance in the development of systems or audits, MSG has effectively delivered cost effective enhancements each and every time. The willingness to tailor their efforts to your specific needs, not only saves time in preparation but, greatly increases the chance of long-term value and effectiveness. I am truly appreciative for MSG’s support over the years and highly recommend their involvement in any improvement journey."

David Tinsley
Clarion Technologies

Outstanding Learning Experience

"Just wanted to send a note thanking you for the hard work and effort given to our company to help obtain ISO13485 & 9001. We successfully passed the initial registration audit two weeks ago. The auditor was impressed with how we integrated both systems and said it should be used as a model for other companies attempting to do the same. Linda’s work was outstanding and we learned a lot about our company and where our shortfalls are. Without her help and assistance we never would have achieved this goal"

Micro Star Innovations

Manageable & Successful AS9100 QMS

"Just a note of thanks for your hard work and expertise in establishing our new quality system to the AS9100B requirements. Your professionalism and resolve made the project manageable and successful!"



"You did a FANTASTIC job in showing us and helping us prepare."

Henmen Engineering & Machine, Inc.

MSG Served Us Well

"It has been my pleasure to work with Management Solutions Group for nearly three years now. You and your staff have served my organization well from the beginning of our pursuit of ISO certification through to our annual internal audit events. I have found it particularly satisfying to work with Linda Schoonerman on your staff. Linda is a consummate professional who makes the translation of the quality standards into something we can live by and understand. She has always provided helpful insights and ways to work smarter and not necessarily harder. Keep up the great work"

Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids, Inc.

Value Added

"Simple, yet goes over all necessary requirements...All value-added information"

Cooper Standard Automotive

Money Saving Methods

"The auditing process was transformed from mystifying mumbo-jumbo to a guide for genuine money-saving methods."

North American Refractories Co.

Focus and Understanding

"You've been able to cut through all the information flying around and get structure down on paper for us. We appreciate your focus and uncanny understanding of what we do and where we are trying to go."

Siemens Dematic

Our Aggressive Implementation

"Our project manager's overall ISO knowledge and manufacturing experience allowed us to maintain our aggressive ISO 9001:2000 implementation schedule. I highly recommend the MSG team to any company that wants to improve and/or implement a quality management system."


Understandable Language

"Minimizes the mystery of the transition from TS 16949: 1999 to TS 16949: 2000. Information is provided in realistic language."

Clarion Technologies

Useful Interactive Examples

"Gives basic ABCs plus detail - Enjoyed interactive examples and small class atmosphere."

Grand Rapids Polishing & Buffing

Meaningful Approach

"Was very impressed with both the technical knowledge and people skills of the MSG team members. MSG's approach to change was non-threatening, yet meaningful and was a real value-add to the organization."

Ranir LLC

Saved Time ...and Money

"Management Solutions Group is very knowledgeable of the Quality Systems for ISO9001:2000. The way that they design the manual with hyperlinks saves time when looking for a specific procedure or a certain part of the manual.”

Ohio Stamping

Better Workforce Utilization

"Thanks to the training provided by Management Solutions Group, our company will be able to improve and utilize our workforce to better please our customers"

Continental Structural Plastics

Best Practices

"I appreciated the opportunity to see alternative approaches to QMS...& best practices offered by the instructor"


Tailored Teachings

"I found that Rocky's wealth of knowledge is what made this class so useful, he was versatile enough to tailor this teachings to our specific company. Without his instruction I know I could not have kept attentive"


Over Delivered

"You under promised and over delivered, Thanks!"

Large West Michigan Auto Supplier

Thank You


American Metal Fabrication

Small Class Atmosphere

"[Management Solutions Group] Gives basic ABCs plus detail - Enjoyed interactive examples and small class atmosphere"

Grand Rapids Polishing and Buffing

Impactful Training

"Besides learning the auditor skills, it [training] helped me understand the impact a quality system has on the entire company I work for"

NPA Coatings

Highly Recommended

"Management Solutions Group is very knowledgeable of the Quality Systems for ISO9001:2000. They are extremely helpful in the implementation to the requirements of the standard. Management Solutions Group employees are very friendly and have an answer to any questions that you may have in regards to the requirements.

Really Good Teachers

"MSG Staff were really good teachers, and my people really felt they came away with a lot, and some of the help he gave me during the audit really helped me get us through our special assessment audit yesterday. Thanks much for the service!"

American Cooling Systems

Matched Our Systems with TS Requirements

"MSG was very knowledgeable of the TS requirements for certification and tried very hard to match our systems with the TS requirements so we were able to build on our current platform rather than build a new one."

Royal Plastics

Mumbo Jumbo to Money Saving Methods

"The auditing process was transformed from mystifying mumbo to a guide for genuine money saving methods"

North American Refractories Co.

Interesting & Cheerful

"The material that was well organized and to the point. MSG Staff was interesting and cheerful personality made the day go fast"


Real Life Examples

"Enjoyed the input on real life situations and experiences"


Improved Production

"MSG has incredible ability to look at the broad picture of production [and] how to improve and help the company save money & improve production"



We offer a free, no obligation initial analysis as well as accomplishment Guarantees.

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building bricks 35x252879 Hoag NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49525
• Phone: Tap: (616) 365-9822
• Fax: (425) 799-5915

Testimonial from a Client

Saved Time ...and Money

"Management Solutions Group is very knowledgeable of the Quality Systems for ISO9001:2000. The way that they design the manual with hyperlinks saves time when looking for a specific procedure or a certain part of the manual.”

Ohio Stamping